eyes and ears!
Blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because
they hear. Mat. 13:16
«Listen, that you may live,» testifies the
Word. (Is. 55:3).
Take a Bible-dictionary, open it, pick the word see, and notice
all those places in the Scripture that calls on and encourages you to
Jesus spoke from the prophets book about the dim eyes and dull ears on
the disobedient people - those whom had allowed Satan to seduce them,
and was satisfied with it! And one place He says: «Take care how
you listen!» (Luke 8:18). And then our text.
On the whole, you shall not have read much in the Word before you see,
it is laid a whole lot of stress on this! It is just through what you
see and hears, you become partaker of Gods salvation!
We can ask from the few minutes you have read now: Do you hear it? - Do
you see it? Or do you hear and do you see without seeing and hearing?
That was the judgment for the most part of the people at the time of
Jesus. Which flock do you belong to?
He who read the Word of God with the intention of listen to what it says,
he will also come to hear - hear det blessed Word about salvation in
Jesus, the Son of God - hear it in such way that you hear and see that
the Word of Jesus here in the text is Words about you about your
condition: «Blessed are your eyes,
because they see; and your ears, because they hear!»
Let it be our prayer to day: Lord Jesus, give us blessed eyes and
blessed ears! Because we find the opposite too - unblessed, because they
do not see and do not hear.
Holy Bible New American Standard
Translator: E.K. |