For while we were yet weak, in due season Christ died for the ungodly. Rom. 5,6


Complete in Him!

   For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, and in Him you have been made complete. Col. 2:9-10

   This is a mighty word against all the preaching you meet to day, that says it is not enough just to have come to faith in Jesus - you must also have a particular fullness of the Holy Spirit in addition.
   But here it is written: «in Him you have been made complete (been filled (Norw. transl.))!» And then: what fullness is it? Yes, in Him that fills you, you faithful friend of Jesus, all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form!
   What is more than
all the fullness of Deity?
   What a Christian on the contrary is called to, is to let the Spirit he received by the faith in Jesus Christ, fill him! But it is something completely different to take in use more of what you already have, than to seek something you have not received yet!
   Jesus, when He speaks about the coming of the Spirit, and His continuing presence in our heart - that He will not leave us as orphans - then He says: «
I will come to you!» (John 14:18).
   You are permitted to believe this, you who have taken your refuge in Jesus, that you are completed in Him! That
all the fullness of Deity dwells in you, by Him!
   Yes, but I am so weak and miserable! No wonder that you are focused on this, when you believe this lie - that its possibly something you still lack!
   Now you are allowed to look at the word in this text in stead, and know from Gods own Word, that it is exactly this, your weakness and misery, that is the opening so this fullness can fill you completely! (2 Cor. 12:9).
   You see, it is not in yourself - where you usually look for it - you have this fullness, but
in Jesus
   If the devil cannot hit you from one side, he will try to hit you from the other. But stay close to the Word, and you will see that what is written, will also happen!


Holy Bible New American Standard Version
Translator: E.K.



5 jan.