All in all!
And He put all things in subjection under His feet, and
gave Him as head over all things to the church, which is His body, the
fullness of Him who fills all in all.
Eph. 1:22-23
«He put all things in subjection
under His
feet,» we read.
That tells us that it is He we must have, if we shall go out of the
battle with victory. - That is, if we shall reach the goal, namely
heaven and beatitude there ahead of us, and avoid the everlasting
damnation, the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and
his angels. (Mat. 25:41).
And that is exactly what the Word preaches unto us, that He under
whose feet all things are put, He is by the Father also given to the
church - that is, those who believes in His name!
He gave Him as head!
- Accordingly as the one who rules all.
When one looks at the congregations today, and thrue the whole
history, one should think He had given us,
or som of us, as head.
But He has not given this power to any human being - that is His alone -
and therefore is the most enlightened and spiritual Christian wholly
dependent on Him! That is, not more or less, but wholly! - He is
the head! The congregation is
just His body, which is ruled by Him who are the head.
And here is also written something that we shall bear in mind: «-
the fullness of Him who fills all in all!»
All in all!
So where is that, which should have its origin in ourselves? It is
excluded! Where are the deeds you
have managed to do? - Where are the sanctification that you
have managed? - Where are the spiritual growth that you
have achieved? etc. Again: It is excluded! He
is all in all!
So that is the goal! - Not that you shall be something, but that He
shall be all in you. That happens in the moment you start believing in
Him, and by that filled with Him. - Then He is all in you! - Then He,
His life, His virtues, His works and His mind is all God sees, when He
looks upon you! This is what you too are allowed to reckon with, because
this is what the Word of God preaches to you.
Believe it in Hid name!
Holy Bible New American Standard
Translator: E.K. |