God causes the growth!
The soil produces crops by itself; first the blade, then
the head, then the mature grain in the head. Mark 4:28
There is one thing you need to notice here, for it is the main
essence in this message, namely that the soil bears crops by itself!
It depends merely on the seed that has been sowed, if it is capable of
germinating, and not at least that it is of the right kind.
If it has fallen in good cultivated soil, then everything that is
needed lays in the seed itself.
Any farmer knows this! But it is also like this when it comes to
the spiritual seed and the spiritual life, says Jesus - all has been
laid down in the seed (the Gospel) that is sown, like the manna in the
desert contained everything they needed to stay alive.
That everything depends on the act and the gift of the Lord is
there some who with contempt calls «hyperevangelical» and «superevangelical,»
an by that presents it as something dangerous.
Firstly, they do not see the contempt they shows for the Gospel of
God, the one He has given us in His grace and love - and secondly, they
reveals by this, that they themselves have never experienced what it is
to be a lost and helpless human being facing the holy Law of God.
How could He call His salvation exactly rest, if it still
should depend on us and ours?
But you who have experienced this, to stand totally undressed your
own, and every day anew experiences your lack of capability in this case
- to remain standing before God, you do not know how to thank Him enough
for such words of comfort. That is also His intention!
The soil produces crops
by itself! Let noone take that
away from you by for instance a fear of God and spirituality which is
better than to «only» believe! You just place yourself under the Word,
by hearing and by reading and prayer, and let yourself be watered and
manured this way - He is
the one who provides the growth!
«I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the
growth.» (1
Cor. 3:6).
Holy Bible New American Standard
Translator: E.K. |