For while we were yet weak, in due season Christ died for the ungodly. Rom. 5:6


Gods wonderful lovingkindness!

   Wondrously show Your lovingkindness! Psalm 17:7

   «O Savior of those who take refuge at Your right hand From those who rise up against them.»
   That is what is said about Him further - and about those who take refuge at Him. You are one of them? Then you see here in this word of promise, what you are the object of - Gods wonderful lovingkindness, and His mighty hand of salvation!
   This Gods lovingkindness is so much more wonderful as it is not active in the degree you deserve it, but abeam of that. «I WILL HAVE MERCY ON WHOM I HAVE MERCY, AND I WILL HAVE COMPASSION ON WHOM I HAVE COMPASSION.» (Rom. 9:15).
   That is the only explanation you get on this. It has never its reason in the human being who is the object of His lovingkindness and mercy!
   But the wonderful deeds of His lovingkindness, does not necessarily show in this, that He straightens out all ways for us, so that our life sort of «run on rails.» - No, He can even make the way especially crooked for us, when He see that is necessary - for instance, to prevent that we trust on anything else, then His wonderful deeds.
   What we shall be happy about, have peace by and get rest in, is this - whether He straightens out the way for us or makes it crooked, it has its reason in His lovingkindness! - It has a good intention, a saving purpose!
   What you shall get to stop with, when you read a word like this to you, in the Scripture, is the wonderful in that exactly you, right where you are now, is the object of the the heavenly Gods lovingkindness! His wish is to show you mercy, and save you from your opponents!
   Do you believe His hand is to short for that?


Holy Bible New American Standard Version
Translator: E.K.



14 jan.