For while we were yet weak, in due season Christ died for the ungodly. Rom. 5:6


The unity of the Spirit

   - being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Eph. 4:3

   That this is an important matter - yes, more important than we usually are aware of - is strongly underlined by Jesus word about the kingdom which is divided against itself: «If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.» (Mark 3:24).
   So, where the bond of peace has been confused or broken, something totally devastating has come in! You are called to kill this in its birth! - That is what "being diligent to" means!
  This is something that concernes the whole congregation as such - the devil sows evil and the result is often - because we do not see early enough, where it has its origin, and make up an honest difference with it - that the congregation divides into fractions. And that takes place also between the individual believers.
   This is a very serious sin, it is to divide and tear down what the Spirit has united! It is the unity of
the Spirit it is talk about here!
   And the Spirit unites us in a true and living faith in
the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
   You know, there is also a division that is completely unavoidable and necessary - it is the division which has its reason exactly in this, that someone touches what makes us one by Gods Spirit - and alone can be one in - that is the faith in Jesus Christs substitutional work alone!
   You are only called to follow the message you were saved by, you are not obliged towards any human being, organization or religious community in this matter! You can just be within their framework, as long as they apply themselves to
preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace - that is, as long as they preaches the Gospel clean and clear, without any addition. As long as they know how to tell Law and Gospel apart!


Holy Bible New American Standard Version
Translator: E.K.



13 jan.