For while we were yet weak, in due season Christ died for the ungodly. Rom. 5,6


Your keeper

   The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the defense of my life; Whom shall I dread? Psalm 27:1

   How can you walk around anxious, you who got the Lord Himself as the defense of your life?
   But still it is exactly what we so often do, in our weakness. According to His Word it is firstly completely without reason - it is He who is the defense of your life! - And secondly it is in vain - because «which of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life's span?» (Luke 12:25).
   All of these our worries is a manifestation of our disbelief, and belongs thereby to the flesh - that which is totally strange and distrustful towards God! This is not something we shall excuse saying:   «But after all we are just weak humans,» and things like that. No, we shall see it as what it really is, but at the same time know, that He took this sin with Him up on the cross too!
   There will never be any other rescue from sin, and certainly not this, that we are trying to do sin into something else than it in fact is! This is in fact a wicked tendency with us.
   But listen now, to what the Word of God says to you: You shall not have to worry! It is not you who shall bear and cope with and save! He shall take care of it all!
   He is your light and your salvation! Isn't that something to grasp for you who can not seem to find anything but darkness and delusion in yourself! He is your light! - He shall know how to lead you through and home!
   And He is the defense of your life! You can not keep your own life - not for a second. Every breath you take, you have from Him - and you can even less keep your spiritual life! But He has decided to be the one who defense your life! He will take care of it! Yes, He has «reserved it in heaven for you,» says the word! (1 Pet. 1:4). You shall just drink of the sources He has opened for you in His Word and in prayer. There it is enough for everybody, because Jesus is the one who meets you there!
   Your light, your salvation, the defense of your life - the Lord Himself! Who shall you fear and whom shall you dread?


Holy Bible New American Standard Version
Translator: E.K.



7 dec.