For while we were yet weak, in due season Christ died for the ungodly. Rom. 5:6


The Light shines in the darkness!

   There was the true Light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man. John 1:9

   This says something serious about our situation as human beings, namely that the true Light must come to us from outside. And that because it is not to be found within us! We are on the contrary in darkness, as it points to some verse before our text: «The Light shines in the darkness.» (v.5).
   Many people push this aside immediately, and do not want to hear such. Because in their ears it is a degradation of the human being, an injustice towards it. One has made up ones mind, that the human being do not need any so-called true light from outside, that it do not need to be enlightened this way.
   Then the serious reminder and warning from Jesus sounds - and it is to be hoped that it will wake up somebody to consider, and start asking questions: «Then watch out that the light in you is not darkness!» (Luke 11:35).
   There is accordingly a possibility that it is so!
   Jesus met many such as these on His way. Yes, it showed, that most of them He met was on that place, even if they for a long time could follow Him in crowds, because of His miraculous works, and similar.
   Verse 5 in John 1, which we just read the first part of, continues also like this: «- and the darkness did not comprehend it
   The cross became the crossroads!
   We read that this singular light now was
coming into the world, John the Baptist was the one that came immediately before it and proclaimed its coming, and with Jesus it was in the midst of them. And with Jesus it is in the midst of us today!
   When you sit down with the Word - either to read or to hear - do you then seek confirmation of your own thoughts and meanings, or do you comprehend the true Light that enlightens every man, because you have acknowledged that it is only spiritual darkness in you?
   It is not me that shall prove right, Lord, but you! That is a believers acknowledgement and confession!


Holy Bible New American Standard Version
Translator: E.K.



21 dec.