For while we were yet weak, in due season Christ died for the ungodly. Rom. 5:6


Behold, your Savior!

   Say to those with anxious heart, "Take courage, fear not Behold, your God will come with vengeance." Is. 35:4

   «Anxious heart, Up of your pain! Do you completely forget what you have: The Saviors friendship, grace and knowledge! Still He lives and is as He was,» Rosenius reminds us of in this fine song.
   Oh yes, is there anything a believer - who stands in the midst of the battle exactly because of his faith - needs, it is to be reminded of that «Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.» (Heb. 13:8).
   Has your heart calmed down by something else, it was better that you still were among the anxious hearts!
   The prophet gets a message, a message to bring to the anxious hearts: That they shall take courage and not fear! - And it is not an order, but attached to something quite special. Accordingly they have reason for this! - And the reason is the Lord Himself: «Behold, your God will come!»
   For one who is not saved, exactly this is the cause for uneasiness, that one is reminded of Gods existens. Not to mention His nearness! - But it is not like this for the one who has acknowledged Him as ones Savior - as the one who has heard one in, and freed one from the need. Then one only need to hear exactly this, that He is still near, and still the same!
   This is a message that is specially near to dwell with nowadays, just before the great Christmas feast: «Behold, your God
   - Yes, look how He came to the world among the poor and little, to be our rescue. - How deep down He stepped - deeper than anyone knows!
   He is the same today!


Holy Bible New American Standard Version
Translator: E.K.



20 dec.