For while we were yet weak, in due season Christ died for the ungodly. Rom. 5:6


Religious scruples

   "Are You the Expected One, or shall we look for someone else?" Mat. 11:3

   Religious scruples, that is part of the Christian life, and noone knows that better than those who lives particular close to the Lord, and not at least those who has been given a special task in the kingdom of God. The devil - our opponent and enemy of our soul - makes every effort to knock them down. Therefore do they really need the intercessory prayers of the believers before any others!
   A faith that kind of rests så safely and calm in itself and never gets scared or experiences any attack. is a dead faith - yes, pure imagination. The devil is the ruler of death (Heb. 2:14), and can as such not refrain from attacking the life! - But what is already dead, he got, and do not need to fight to win that for himself.
   Likewise we have our own, by nature faithless heart, to carry on. It does not leave us in peace either, but asks, like the evil one, its questions - questions that has its reason in spiritual darkness, question like the one we meets here: Is Jesus really our Savior, sent from God? - Is it really by grace alone? - By Jesus alone? - Can I be a Christian I who are seeing so much evil in my own chest, and so often fails. Etc.
   This question - which is our text today - came from no less than John the Baptist! - He who had stood in such a great work for the Lord. - He of whom Jesus says: «- among those born of women there has not arisen anyone greater than John the Baptist!» (Mat. 11:11; Luke 7:28). And then you and I should be unacquainted with this!
   Now we shall not seek r
eligious scruples to find any confirmation of our relationship with God thrue that, but rather be glad when the Lord wants good days for us - but we shall not despair either even if we experiences this, but stick close to the word we have heard, until it lightens up for us again, because He has not come as judge, but as Savior! (John 3:17).
   He tries us, but He do not fail us!


Holy Bible New American Standard Version
Translator: E.K.



17 dec.