For while we were yet weak, in due season Christ died for the ungodly. Rom. 5,6


Flee to the city of refuge!

   The cities shall be to you as a refuge from the avenger. Numb. 35:12

   God had established cities of refuge in Israel, where he who had commited an offence could flee, and live safe while he was waiting for a fair trial.
   The one who flees to the Gospel, the mercy of God by Jesus Christ, our Lord, he is living under the protection og God against all conviction! About him it says: «Who will bring a charge against God's elect? God is the one who justifies.» (Rom. 8:33).
   Oh yes, there are many who will accuse and convict God's elect, the world is full of them with the Devil himself at the head of them, but they do not get inside the walls of the city of refuge. There it is God who rules and judges, and He says, as Brorson expresses it so fine in the song: «God of all kingdoms He Himself judges and says: This one he is free! He is washed in Jesus' blood, Satan, sin and death must flee, Who will accuse me?» (from Danish/
   Therefore it sounds to you too to day, you who knows by yourself that you cannot pass the judgement of the holy God by yours own: «Flee to the fair city of refuge, The Saviors wounds and blood!!»
   It is still possible - this day today is He standing there with open arms also for you. He shows you His wounds: These I got for you! It is the highest prize and nothing can outweigh that! So flee now, in faith in the Bible's clear testimony - that He receives sinners, forgives them everything and makes them children of God, freely by His grace, solely for His own sake!
   You shall be spared from payment there where it is payed already! Who would think of that in any other connection? But obviously we need a reminder of that again and again, also we who has lived in and by the Gospel for many years already!
   A paid bill is not something you worries about , but as soon as it is receipt and stamped PAID, it has on the contrary become a valuable paper, a security, that you takes care of with pleasure!


Holy Bible New American Standard Version
Translator: E.K.



16 jan.