For while we were yet weak, in due season Christ died for the ungodly. Rom. 5,6


His salvation - our peace!

   Now Lord, You are releasing Your bond-servant to depart in peace, According to Your word! Luke 2:29

   Simeon was a god-fearing man who had his place in the temple in Jerusalem, and had his service there. He lived in so close relationship with the Lord, and had got that promise by the Spirit that he should not see death before he had seen Gods salvation, Gods Messiah, with his natural eyes. And now he saw the promise to Israel and to the heathens fulfilled as he was holding the child Jesus in his arms.
   Nor this god-fearing man could enter in to eternity with peace, without by this child which he now saw with his own eyes, and the promises that was attached to it. Can you? Think it over seriously! Think eternity! Maybe you can dare to meet eternity without Him, but can you meet it with peace?
   Yes, it may well be so, that a person can be that cold and dead at worst, but its not at all necessary that it shall be like that. Also you who read now can - as Simeon in the temple - experience to leave here with peace, because your spiritual eyes have been enlightened by the Word, so you see Him who is sent down here to earth to be your salvation too!
   This is precisely what Simeon testifies further: «For my eyes have seen Your salvation!» (v.30).
And what did he see? - Yes, this particular child!
   But notice this: He had got a word beforehand - a word that was a promise and an assurance to him, that this should happen, this he should experience! And then it happened! «- for He who promised is faithful.» (Heb. 10:23).
   This is also how it is, when you hear the Gospel preached, it is a promise and an assurance to you! Simeon did not get disappointed, and neither will you, you who takes your refuge in the Word!
   But everything else will disappoint!

Holy Bible New American Standard Version
Translator: E.K.



6 dec.