For while we were yet weak, in due season Christ died for the ungodly. Rom. 5,6


He freed you!

   It is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper. Ps. 91:3

   How does this happen?
   It is much wrong preached about this also nowadays. Let us just for a moment stop at the thought, that we should be so familiar with and so schooled in the Word of God, that we by that should be able to fight down this mighty spirit! Would you really attack him on that basis?
   No. I do think you wisely would let that be. Just think of how it went with our first parents towards him - and they were in addition without sin!
   But this is how it often preaches, as if we shall grasp some appropriate words from the Scripture and use them against him as swords. And this how many understand the well known word from Luthers song: «A word of God can bind him!»
   But what does the Scripture mean, and what ment Luther?
   In The Book of Revelation we read about the victorious believers in heaven, and what is said then? «And they overcame him (the Devil) because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony.» (Rev. 12:11) One particular word!
   What do witness, as a believer? - What saved you? - What is the foundation for your hope? - Yes, what gives you hope at all, and the faith that you shall reach heaven and beatitude?
   They gained the victory because of the word of Jesus!
   We started by asking: «How does this happen?» A more correct question is: «How did this happen?» - Because it is question about a combat that is already won. - Jesus has gained the victory, and He has gained the victory in our place!
   «It is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper!» Yes, that is the Scriptures prophecy about He who should come. But now He has been here, the great deliverer!


Holy Bible New American Standard Version
Translator: E.K.



4 dec.